Anus is terminal opening of whole human alimentary canal situated just after rectum and anal canal. It is oval to round in shape guarded by 2 sphincters. It is located behind perineum hence behind scrotum in males and vagina in females.
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1. Two sphincters guarding anus are Internal and External anal sphincters. They are present in the form of circular bands around it. 2. During puberty pubic hair start to grow around anus and fill space around till end of puberty.
It receives its nerve supply through inferior anal nerve. It supplies the skin around anus and external anal sphincter. Hypogastric plexus supplies the internal anal sphincter.
It allows and guards passage of feces and gases from rectum to outside the body. For material to pass internal and external anal sphincter must relax. Internal sphincter is involuntary and relaxes in response to distension of rectum and anal canal by filling of faces and gases. External anal sphincter is voluntary and can be contracted and relaxed on will to delay or induce the expulsion of materials, respectively.
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