Caecum is the Latin pronunciation for Cecum. The meaning of it is blind. Cecum is a peritoneal pouch that is thought to be the start of the Large Intestine. Receiving the Chyme from Ileum it os connected to the large intestine’s Ascending Colon. Bauhin’s Valve (Ileocecal Valve) separates it from Ileum. Cecum also separates Cecocolic Junction from the Colon. Appendix is usually connected to the Cecum.
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Ileum Rectum AppendixPancreasStomach Transverse ColonDescending Colon Cecum Parotid Gland Sublingual Gland
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It is approximately 6 cm in length and 7.5 cm in diameter. The elongation of Post Arterial Midgut Loop forms the Cecum and Appendix. The proximal part of this outgrowth or bud formed by the elongation makes the Cecum. The lateral side of the cecum grows faster than the medial side which results in forming the point of attachment of Appendix to its medial side.
Anterior and Posterior Cecal arteries supply blood to Cecum. These arteries arise from Ileocolic Artery which itself is the branch of Superior Mesenteric Arteries.
Superior Mesenteric Plexus supplies fibers of both Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nerves.
The function of Cecum is to absorb the water and salts from the undigested food. The muscular walls of Cecum allow it to speed up the absorption of the contents from the undigested food. It then passes the waste materials to the ascending Colon.
Cecum often suffers from a Carcinoid tumor known as Cecal Carcinoid Tumor. Sometimes an Appendix Carcinoid Tumor (carcinoid tumor of Appendix) is also found next to Cecal Carcinoma.
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