Corpus Callosum
Corpus callosum (derived from Latin for “tough body”) is a bundle of white matter that connects the two cerebral hemispheres. It is a thick band of nerve fibers that acts as a communication wire between the two halves of the brain. It is the largest white matter structure of the brain.
read more Cerebellum CerebrumCervical LumbarMedulla Oblongata Pons
Spinal Cord Temporal Lobe SacralThoracic Axon Axon TerminalsDendrite Myelin Sheath Nucleus Pulposus Gray Matter
Spinal Nerve White Matter Corpus CallosumFrontal LobeHypothalamus Occipital Lobe Parietal Lobe Thalamus Cervical Vertebrae BrainNeuron
Corpus Callosum
Corpus callosum is divided into three parts with its posterior portion called the splenium, the anterior portion called the genu, and the central called the body or truncus.
Forceps Minor is the fork-like bundle present in the region of the genu. In the middle, the Trunk is a thicker bundle connecting the two halves of the brain. At the splenium, Forceps Major is the bundle of fibers connecting the corresponding areas of the hemispheres.
As it is a major connection between the two halves of the brain, it is associated with many of the brain disorders. A list of a few is given below:
Alien hand syndrome
de Morsier syndrome (Septo-optic dysplasia)
Agenesis of corpus callosum (corpus callosum is malformed)
Multiple sclerosis
Epilepsy is a brain disorder in which there is increased electrical activity in the brain with resulting seizures, loss of consciousness, etc. By the procedure of corpus callosotomy (cutting of corpus callosum), the symptoms of refractory epilepsy can be reduced. If there is an epileptic episode in one half of the brain, it can spread to the other half through the corpus callosum. This is a very difficult procedure and involves specialized neurosurgeons and psychiatrists.
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