Bladder Seminal VesiclesProstate Gland Vas DeferensEpididymis Glans Penis
Corpus Cavernosum Urethral Opening ScrotumLabium MajoraLabium Minora UrethraClitoris Pubic bone Vagina Urinary Bladder
Cervix Uterus OvaryFallopian TubeUreter Rectum Axoneme Basal BodyNucleus Acrosome Sperm Testicle Endpiece Corona RadiataZona Pellucida Egg CytoplasmFirst Polar BodyOvum Mitochondria
The structure of the end piece of sperm is almost the same as that of the rest of the tail. It is composed of axoneme which is covered all around by the plasma membrane. The end piece has a ring of 9 doublets of microtubules.
The function of the tail is to propel the sperm. The fibers of the tail contract in an alternative pattern producing a wavelike movement. This motion of the sperm is very important for its passage through the seminal fluid and fertilization of the ovum.
The structural integrity and function of the end piece of sperm is important for fertilization of egg. The abnormality in the internal core, axoneme, impairs the motility of sperm rendering the male infertile.
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