Glans Penis
In the male human anatomy Glans Penis is present at the distal end of the Penis. It is a sensitive bulbous structure. Anatomically it is homologous (share ancestry between pair of structure or genes) to the Clitoral Glans (external portion of Clitoris) of the human female. It is covered with complete or partial skin called Foreskin (double layer fold of muscle tissues, neurons, blood vessels, skin and mucous membrane) which can be circumcised. The word Glans Penis is Latin itself meaning Acorn of the Penis.
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Corpus Cavernosum Urethral Opening ScrotumLabium MajoraLabium Minora UrethraClitoris Pubic bone Vagina Urinary Bladder
Cervix Uterus OvaryFallopian TubeUreter Rectum Axoneme Basal BodyNucleus Acrosome Sperm Testicle Endpiece Corona RadiataZona Pellucida Egg CytoplasmFirst Polar BodyOvum Mitochondria
Glans Penis
It is the extended cap of the Corpus Spongiosum (mass of spongy tissue surrounding male urethra). It extends farther on the upper surface of the Corpora Cavernosa Penis. The tip of the Glans has a slit like external Urethral Orifice. The foreskin helps to maintain the Mucosa in moist environment. The Glans of the circumcised penis does not form the thicker Keratinization layer.
The Glans Penis contains free nerve endings, Genital end bulbs and also rarely posses Pacinian and Ruffini Corpuscles. The distinct pattern of innervations of Glans shows that it has a role of being a sensory structure.
The Dorsal artery of the Penis is the branch of the Internal Pudendal Artery, runs forward to the dorsal of the Penis to the Glans and after branching into two it supplies Glans and Prepuce.
The unique shape of Glans Penis serves the function of scooping any remaining semen deposited by other males in the deeper part of the female’s vagina recently copulated. Some theorist says that it increases the sexual pleasure to the female during Intercourse.
The excessive washing of the Glans Penis may cause the Mucous Membrane to dry and resulting into Dermatitis. Inflammation of the Glans Penis is known as Balanitis. It causes irritation and infection with wide variety of pathogens.
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