Inferior Nasal Concha
Concha nasi inferior, concha nasalis inferior is the Latin pronunciation of the Inferior Nasal Concha. It is also known as Inferior Turbinated Bone located in one of the Turbinates of Nose. It is extended horizontally on the lateral wall of the Nasal Cavity consisting of Lamina of spongy bone curled upon itself in form of a Scroll.
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Oropharynx Laryngopharynx Frontal SinusSphenoid SinusEthmoid Sinus Maxillary SinusBronchus Vertebrate Trachea Bronchioles Capillary Beds
Alveolar Duct Alveolar Sacs Pulmonary VeinPulmonary Artery
Inferior Nasal Concha
Inferior Nasal Concha has two surfaces i.e.
Medial Surface: it is convex having many apertures and is traversed for lodgement of vessels.
Lateral Surface: it is concave and forms the Inferior Meatus.
The upper border of Inferior Nasal Concha is thin and articulates with various bones along the lateral wall of Nasal Cavity. This upper border is divided into three regions i.e.
Anterior: it joins with Conchal Crest of Maxilla (upper palate of mouth).
Posterior: it forms a joint with Conchal Crest of Palatine (a bone of the skull located at back part of the Nasal Cavity).
Middle; it presents three well marked processes (projection or outgrowth of tissues from a larger body) which differ in size and form.
They are also called Inferior Nasal Turbinates because they function like a turbine. As the air passes through the Turbinates the air is pressed against the Mucosa Lined Bone to provide warmth, moisture and cleaning.
Swollen turbinates leads to the blockage of Nasal breathing. These swellings are caused due to allergies, environmental irritants and inflammation within the Sinuses.
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