Labium Majora
Labia Majora are two prominent folds of skin that extend from Mons Pubis to the Perineum. They surround the Labia Minora and Vaginal orifice laterally. Its male counterpart is Scrotum.
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Corpus Cavernosum Urethral Opening ScrotumLabium MajoraLabium Minora UrethraClitoris Pubic bone Vagina Urinary Bladder
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Labium Majora
● Labia Majora form the lateral boundaries of Pudendal (Urogenital) Cleft. Pudendal Cleft contains Vulva, Clitoris, and Labia Minora.
● Labia Majora is divided into two surfaces.
Outer surface is pigmented and has Hair Follicles.
Inner Surface lies adjacent to Labia Minora and has Sebaceous Glands but no Hair Follicles.
● Labia Majora in its matrix has Smooth Muscle fibres , Blood Vessels and Fats mostly.
Labia Majora is supplied by Deep External Pudendal Artery.
Labia Majora gets innervated by Posterior Femoral Cutaneous Nerve through its Perineal branches.
- Labia Majora can develop swelling and Sebaceous cysts in its Sebaceous Glands.
- Fat pad of Labia Majora can be used in Grafting (skin transplant techniques).
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