Labium Minora
Labia Minora are two small flaps of skin present medial to Labia Majora, on either side of opening of vagina. They are also known as Inner Lips or Nymphae or Inner Labia. They are homologous (female counterpart) to male Penis Skin.
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Corpus Cavernosum Urethral Opening ScrotumLabium MajoraLabium Minora UrethraClitoris Pubic bone Vagina Urinary Bladder
Cervix Uterus Ovary Rectum Ureter Fallopian Tube Axoneme Basal BodyNucleus Acrosome Sperm Testicle Endpiece Corona RadiataZona Pellucida Egg CytoplasmFirst Polar BodyOvum Mitochondria
Labium Minora
Labia Minora receive blood from External Pudendal Arteries on both sides.
Sebaceous Cysts may form in the glands of Labia Minora. Abnormally large Labia Minora can be resected through surgical interventions.
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