Panpiniform Plexus
The pampiniform plexus is found both in male and female anatomy. In males it is a loose network of small veins found in the human male spermatic cord. The plexus begins in the scrotum with veins arising from the mediastinum testis. The veins of the plexus ascend along the ductus deferens.
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Panpiniform Plexus
The function of the pampiniform plexus is to regulate the temperature of the testes. It acts as heat exchanger to cool blood. The arteries supplying the testes run through the plexus where the blood is cooled from the arterial temperature to the testicular temperature.
The walls of the plexus veins are made of a complex muscle structure which is responsible for the propulsion mechanism allowing antigravitational blood flow toward the left renal vein. The anterior section of the plexus coalesces to form the internal spermatic vein, which passes through the inguinal canal and ascends into the retroperitoneum.
If the pampiniform plexus develops a varicose vein called a varicocele, it can cause pain in the testes and be the reason for male infertility. A varicocele causes an abnormal distention of the pampiniform plexus. When this happens it is usually caused by improper blood flow (retrograde) or impaired drainage of the testicular or internal spermatic vein. It is common for this condition to occur, but it is treatable.
In females the pampiniform plexus drains the ovaries. The right ovary drains from the plexus to the ovarian vein and then to the inferior vena cava. The left ovary drains differently. It drains from the plexus to the left ovarian vein and then drains to the left renal vein before emptying into the inferior vena cava. The main function in females of the pampiniform plexus is to provide for venous drainage of the ovaries. The pampiniform plexus is associated with the vaginal plexus in a female and with the prostatic plexus in the male.
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