

Abscessus is the Latin pronunciation for Abscess. It is a collection of Neutrophils (Pus) accumulated due to an inflammatory process in reaction to an Infectious. It is caused by Bacteria, Parasites or foreign materials like Splinters, Bullet Wounds in Tissues. Abscess is the defensive reaction of the tissues for preventing the spread of infectious materials to the other body parts.

Cytokines are released when the foreign materials kill local cells. These Cytokines initiate the inflammatory process that not only increases the blood flow to the affected area but also draws large quantities of White Blood cells.

Final structure of the Abscess is the Abscess Wall. It is formed due to adjacent healthy cells preventing the neighboring structures from Pus. This wall like structure completely wall off the infectious agent, also prevents the immune cells from directly attacking the Bacteria and Foreign objects in Pus.


Symptoms for any inflammatory process are as follow.

  • Redness

  • Heat

  • Swelling

  • Pain

  • Loss of function

Abscess commonly affect following areas.

  • Skin Surface which include Boils or Deep Skin Abscesses

  • Lungs

  • Brain

  • Teeth

  • Kidney

  • Tonsils

  • Affecting Trachea in case of Deep Neck Abscess


Abscess is commonly caused by the following.

  • Obstruction of Sebaceous Glands or Sweat Glands

  • Inflammation of Hair Follicles

  • Punctures of Skin

Infectious organisms get under the skin or glands causing an inflammatory response when immune cells try to kill these organisms. Middle section of Abscess liquefies that contains dead cells, bacteria and other debris. They begin to grow creating tension and inflammation of surrounding tissues. Pressure on the affected area causes pain. People suffering from the following conditions suffer more severe Abscesses.

  • Chronic Steroid Therapy

  • Diabetes

  • Cancer

  • AIDS

  • Ulcerative Colitis

  • Severe burns

  • Peripheral Vascular Disorders

  • Sickle Cell Disease


Abscess wounds are treated with antibiotics. They also require surgical intervention, Debridement and Curettage. Other treatments of Abscess are as follows.

  • Incision and drainage:-

Surgical Drainage is carried out when Abscess has formed a hard Serous Inflammation to a softer Pus stage. The Drainage of Lung Abscess is carried out in a way so that contents are discharged via Respiratory Tract.

  • Packing:-

After incision and drainage Abscess Cavity is often ‘Packed’. However there is no benefit in ‘Packing’ of Abscess.

  • Primary closure:-

One of the treatments is ‘Primary Closure’ = used with Curettage and Antibiotics.

  • Antibiotics:-

Staphylococcus Aureus Bacteria is the common cause for Abscess. Therefore Anti-Staphylococcal antibiotics are used which are as follows.

  • Flucloxacillin

  • Dicloxacillin

  • Recurrent Infections:-

Recurrent infections are caused due to Staphylococcus and the treatment includes following measures.

  • Application of Topical Mupirocin on Nares.

  • Chlorhexidine baths

  • Magnesium Sulfate paste:-

Since ancient times, Abscesses and boils have been treated by applying Magnesium Sulfate paste or Epsom Salt. This paste brings Pus to the upper surface before rupturing and leaking out.