
Loss of one or more muscle function is called Paralysis. Paralysis is accompanied with Sensory loss of the affected area has both sensory and motor supplies. Paralysis is caused due to the diseases that change:

  • The Muscular tissues and Nervous tissues

  • As a result of metabolic disturbances affecting the nerve or muscle functions.



Understanding of Paralysis is categorized in the following terms each having its own symptoms.


  • Localized Paralysis:-

Localized Paralysis regions are as follows.

  • Facial Paralysis is limited to one side of face.

  • Paralysis of Hand

  • Vocal Cord Paralysis allowing the person to speak but voice is Hoarse.


  • Generalized Paralysis:-

Following are the type of generalized paralysis.

  • Monoplegia is the paralysis of one limb (arm or leg)

  • Paraplegia is the paralysis of lower limbs including both legs.

  • Quadriplegia is the paralysis of both hands and legs.

  • Hemiplegia is the paralysis of one side of body i.e. face, arm or leg.


  • Temporary Paralysis:-

It includes following conditions.

  • Bell’s Palsy

  • In some cases,paralysis following a Stroke..


  • Permanent Paralysis:-

This is one of the severe types caused due to the serious injury for example broken Neck.


  • Other types:-

Some other types of Paralysis are as follows.

  • Spastic Paralysis causes the muscle to become stiff and have involuntary contractions.

  • Flaccid Paralysis causes the muscles to become weak and shrivel.

  • Cerebral Palsy is due to the faulty brain development of Fetus.

  • Muscular Dystrophy causes detritions of arms and legs muscle tissues causing weakness.

  • Myasthenia Gravis is due to the chemical malfunction in Nerves.



Paralysis can be caused due to Accidents, Poisoning, Infections, Blocked Blood Vessels and Tumors. However there are four main causes that are as follows.


  • Stroke:-

Paralysis in Stroke happens when blood supply to brain is disrupted or stopped. The main cause for this stoppage is either blood clot or bursting of weakened blood vessel.


  • Head Injury:-

Damage to a part of the brain controlling specific muscles due to Head Injury causes Paralysis.


  • Spinal Cord Injury:-

Spinal Cord, being the part of Central Nervous System, functions to transmit signals from brain to other body parts. The injury to Neck or Spine results in non transmission of these signals resulting in Paralysis. Certain diseases and accidents can cause this Spinal Cord Injury.


  • Multiple Sclerosis:-

Inflammation of Nerves causes the signals to interrupt transmitted from brain to muscles. This condition results to a Paralytic disease known as Multiple Sclerosis.



There is no permanent cure for Paralysis. The common treatment for these diseases is mostly Rehabilitation. The purpose of which is to help the patient to compromise with life and be independent as much as possible with aids. This also helps the patient for treating Pressure Ulcerations. These ulcers arise due to static position while lying on bed during Paralysis. Some of the other rehabilitations and aids are as follows.

  • Acupuncture

  • Moxibustion therapy

  • Wheelchair Aid

  • Prosthetics is a device that replaces or extends limbs or other body parts

  • Orthoses are external mechanical devices that during Neuromusculoskeletal Conditions support, prevent, correct and assist the body segments.

  • Electrical Stimulation therapy.


Some of the medicines proved effective for prevention of paralytic attacks are as follows.

  • Acetazolamide

  • Triamterene

  • Topiramate

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