
Rash is a condition in which the skin texture and color changes. It may either involve only some part of the skin or may be generalized. Rashes may cause itching, get warm, raised, cracked and be painful.


The cause of rash can be found out by closely observing the appearance and texture of the skin area. Some of the causes of rash are:

  • Allergies

  • Sun burn

  • Skin diseases

  • Skin infections

  • Exposure of skin to some irritant

  • Skin rub due to a fall

  • Poor hygiene

  • Menstruation

  • Lead poisoning


Most of the rashes can be taken care of easily at home by following these simple guidelines:

  • Do not scrub your skin.

  • Soap makes your skin rough. Avoid using soap and use cleansers instead.

  • Do not use any sort of cosmetic lotion directly on the rash.

  • Abstain from using any new cosmetic that you have recently started to use.

  • Cleanse the rash with warm water.

  • Keep the area of rash dry and exposed to air.


Treatment of rashes differ with the underlying cause. Commonly, rashes can be treated with topical creams that contain steroids, e.g. hydrocortisone. Many non-steroidal creams are also available. Most of these creams are easy to find and are among over the counter medication.

The steroidal creams that are used topically are not easily cleared from the affected area of skin. This is because of their reduced ability of penetration. Therefore they are not usually used for severe cases and are reserved for minor ones only.


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