Runny Nose

Excessive drainage of nasal secretions from the nose either out of nose or in the throat is known as runny nose. The secretions vary from being thin watery fluid to thick mucus. The medical term for runny nose is rhinitis or rhinorrhea. It may be present with or without the nasal congestion.


Anything that irritates the nasal mucosa can result in runny nose. Major causes are:

  • Common cold

  • Sinusitis

  • Bright lights

  • Overuse of nasal sprays

  • Deformed nasal septum

  • Flu

  • Hay fever

  • Asthma

  • Different types of allergies

  • Drug addiction

  • Respiratory syncytial virus


Frequent or continuous discharge of mucus from the nose is very irritating and most pronounced symptom. It is usually accompanied by the headache, fever and fatigue.


The diagnosis is very easy to make and your physician will know this condition by getting a brief history of your signs. Rhinoscopy can be done for quick detection of disease.


  • Drink a lot of water, use a humidifier and rinse your nose after intervals.

  • Try to blow your nose gently each time you feel a need for it as it helps to get rid of contaminated mucus and bacteria.

  • Use over the counter medications such as antihistamines and decongestants to ease the symptoms.

  • Acetaminophen is usually taken for associated symptoms like high temperature and headache.

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