Bladder Seminal VesiclesProstate Gland Vas DeferensEpididymis Glans Penis
Corpus Cavernosum Urethral Opening ScrotumLabium MajoraLabium Minora UrethraClitoris Pubic bone Vagina Urinary Bladder
Cervix Uterus Ovary Rectum Ureter Fallopian Tube Axoneme Basal BodyNucleus Acrosome Sperm Testicle Endpiece Corona RadiataZona Pellucida Egg CytoplasmFirst Polar BodyOvum Mitochondria
Ovum or Egg cell are female gametes hence take part in Sexual Reproduction. A Sperm fuses with the Egg by a process called Fertilization. It results in production of a Zygote. Zygote has normal number of chromosomes, hence it is Diploid (half from sperm and one half from egg). Ovum also determines the genotype and genetic traits of the baby through the genes located on its chromosomes. However it can not determine sex of the baby , which is determined by the Sperm.
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