Bladder Seminal VesiclesProstate Gland Vas DeferensEpididymis Glans Penis
Corpus Cavernosum Urethral Opening ScrotumLabium MajoraLabium Minora UrethraClitoris Pubic bone Vagina Urinary Bladder
Cervix Uterus Ovary Rectum Ureter Fallopian Tube Axoneme Basal BodyNucleus Acrosome Sperm Testicle Endpiece Corona RadiataZona Pellucida Egg CytoplasmFirst Polar BodyOvum Mitochondria
Zona Pellucida
Zona pellucida is a thick extracellular matrix. It is of three different types ZP1, ZP2 and ZP3. ZP3 glycoprotein is the most important one in the humans. Its main function is to facilitate the fertilization. After binding to a single sperm, it ruptures and is degenerated and gets replaced by the trophoblastic layer.
It facilitates the fertilization in following way.
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